Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Joey Mac Blog #2

Joey McIntyre Exclusive Blog #2

Joey McIntyre tells editor and Dolor author Rick Florino about his surprise guest spot on Donnie Wahlberg's radio show in Canada, the world premiere of "Here We Go Again" and just trying to keep the lid on in the second installment of this exclusive blog series….

How much longer does this thing have to bubble before it bursts?

That's the key to my life—trying to keep the lid on.

That balance, that simmer...I'm about to blow. But, we're going to let it ooze out slowly like lava, and then bang!!! When is the actual explosion? I don't much as I plan, I still can't see the future, but I'm looking forward to it regardless!
b Last Friday, my good friend Donnie asked me to join him up in Toronto for his show. He's been throwing one big party after another lately—going to different cities. This time, it was T-Dot!

Donnie was guest DJ-ing at CHUM FM, and he thought it would be cool to premiere my new song "Here We Go Again" to the world, and I was flattered.

There's absolutely nothing like hearing your song on the radio! The mix sounds hot as hell, and it just came blasting through the speakers. The feeling of making something and throwing it down the airwaves is just so special. I'm really excited about doing more in Canada—the fans up there have been so good to me!

Later on that night, I was actually a surprise guest on Donnie's show!

We tried to sell it like I was back in L.A. when I called in to the radio station, but I was actually in the other room. We wanted the theatrics of me walking on stage during the show that night. I think most people were genuinely surprised, but in these days of Twitter, everything gets out...I had to hide out all day, and if I saw some folks, I had to swear them to secrecy.

I think the people that weren't in Toronto kind of knew what was up. I got lots of Tweets telling me to "Stop lying!" Hahaha... It was still fun to try though! All and all it was a whirlwind 24-hour trip for me that was so worth it!

For now you can hear my new single streaming on my NEW web site And you can get your own copy of "Here We Go Again" at iTunes next week! It's all happening!

Just trying to keep the lid on!!


Joey Mac Blog #1

Joey McIntyre Exclusive Blog #1

As soon as I decided on the video concept for "Here We Go Again," I wanted to get the fans involved. I knew we were going to need lots of "background specialists" to make the location seem legit. But while we were in pre-production, I kind of put the task of getting fans to come down on the backburner. It ended up that I told the fans only four days before I would need them.

We did it on Twitter—I said the first 30 people to e-mail an address would be invited down to the video. In five minutes, I got over 2000 responses and had to shut it down. Once again a sudden shock of love hit me and I was knocked over! We counted down the winners tweet by tweet. It was fun! I threw in a couple of bonus winners. And then those 32 people began the frantic quest of getting to L.A. in three days. We had people from all over! Canada—east and west, South Carolina, D.C., NYC, and London!!!

So now we had confirmation that everyone save a couple were coming and I thought...Ok, now what? Because honestly, I wasn't sure we should have 30 girls in the scenes. I kept belaboring that point to our producer John Davis, that this is a Fight Club and yes, I wanted girls representing. However, I didn't want it to look like Meet-and-Greet at a New Kids concert. I really felt like I was going to have to make their trip worthwhile in other ways—hanging out, saying hi, taking pix—because I felt some weren't gonna be on camera.

But as I came to the set for the first shot, the producer told me that it was all set. I walked on and checked it out. "Is this everyone?" I asked. "Yup." looked good. Plenty of dudes and all the fans came dressed properly for the scene—kudos. It looked really good. So I went from thinking I would have to placate the fans as they sat on folding chairs all day to feeling bad that they were standing on their feet all day. They worked hard! They were screaming, hollering, stomping their feet and shaking their fists. They gave 110% the whole time. That is all I really care about. And I wasn't gonna slow down either, but if I did, I would just have to look at them hangin' tough right there with me.

The theme of the video is based on the movie Fight Club. The impetus for it inspiring the video has a few origins. While I was making this album, I just felt very "thrown forward." I didn't think the music would be this strong and in your face. I had a lot to say and I wanted to blurt it out in a sense. I felt like I had to physically match the raw emotion and feeling of the music. I've always been in pretty good shape, but I wanted to get in the best shape of my life for this music. So I had that in the back of my mind. And then as an independent artist trying to use my time and money wisely, I had to think simple, when deciding on a concept. One location. Simple idea. My music producer Brent Paschke is a huge Fight Club fan, so much so that his screensaver is a tiny picture in the middle of the screen of Meat Loaf as "Bob." I was sitting in the studio when I saw that, and it hit me. If I want a goal to get into the best shape of my life, here it was. It's a cool cult movie, and the song matches its intensity, so I went for it.

All of this couldn't have happened without the director John Brenkus, who is a friend. John is an Emmy winning TV producer/director, and he loved the song. So he opened up his entire studio- space and staff! Cinematographer Tim Gordon and the crew captured/created an authentic, gritty and dark but glowing vibe. We prepped for a few weeks and then shot it in two days. First day was performance-me singing the song in two different set ups. That was fun. We felt we got great stuff that day and we were right. The stylist Julie Peterson and I spent a good amount of time on the right look for both spot and I think we nailed it—thank God, cuz its very easy to go the another way and it can effect the whole vibe and look.

The second day was the Fight Club—where I get my ass kicked but battle back to get a few good shots in. This was the day I had been training and dieting for four weeks- not an eternity but it felt that way. Like I said, I was in the best shape of MY life. The there were other bodies on the set that looked a lot better than mine, but I was feeling good, and it was a nice sense of accomplishment to be there in that "ring" and feel like rockin' the world.

This song is one big metaphor for "staying in the game," for "showin' up" and "keepin' punchin.'" I love making music, but the business can be a grind and often I hear those voices saying—"do you really want to do this again?...You could be chilling right now. Vacationing around the world as you wait for the New Kids to get back together. Hang in L.A., see what comes across the desk."

But then this music pulls me in, the crowd pulls me in, my deeper inner voice saying, "you got something to say buddy, so shut up and say it!" if that makes any sense. "Shut up and say it" :)

And that voice wins out. There'll always be Paris, but I'm still in the ring and the fight is on the line. And I'm ready to give it and I'm ready to take it. Here we go again!! :)

Stay tuned for more next week as "Here We Go Again" hits iTunes.


Monday, July 20, 2009


My Heart is Full!

Thank you to those 5 amazing guys, that put their personal lives on hold this past year to please us Blockheads!!
They went above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

I've met some really amazing new friends because of this whole journey. Friends that I plan to keep forever!

**Michelle, Terri-Anne, Adina and Melanie --> MY TRUCKER GIRLS!!!
I would gladly sit on the ground under the truck, in the cold, getting my bum dirty with you girlies ALL OVER AGAIN!!. Thanks for sharing some awesome memories with me. Thanks for being there when I need to talk.

**Jen --> My #AwesomeIT Girlie! I love that you get me and my crazy ways, but I guess Crazies stick together LOL. I'm really glad I met you. You make my days less boring with your tweets! Thanks for being my ear when I need to complain and bitch about things! LOL
**Sheryl --> Next 5* M&G...You're going in first so I don't have to drag you in LOL.

**Kelly --> Who knew that a simple selling of tickets would start a friendship of Facebook, Twitter and Texting. I loved getting your text messages about your whereabouts and what was happening on your NK Journey! Just remember that if you ever need to talk to someone...You've got my cell number!

** Beckie and Michelle -->Thanks for Joining our group for 5* M&G. Group "J" Wouldn't have been the same if you weren't in it! Congrats Again Michelle on the new baby!

**Lastly to all my Twitter Girls --> T_DOTgirl, ddubswaffle123, Macneila, Miss_Pina & Dorothy99. You all keep me entertained on a daily basis, and I know that if I need to vent or complain you're there to listen! Thanks.

5 guys from Boston started this whole thing, now its up to all of us to continue it. This journey isn't ending here, its only beginning!

Love you guys,


The guys get really emotional after I'll Be loving you Forever!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Donnie and Jordan introducing the Band in Vegas

Jordan and Donnie making up lyrics while introducing the NKOTB Band!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Cute Video!

Jordan on Drums and Donnie on Keyboards!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Joe and Jordan Comedy Act!

This is pretty funny!


This girl is actually pretty good!

Friday, May 22, 2009 Article

Here is a new article about the cruise from

When the New Kids on the Block boarded a ship for the Bahamas on Friday, they were joined by 2,000 excited fans for a three-night cruise. "I don't know what we were thinking," jokes Donnie Wahlberg. "We have nowhere to run if it gets out of hand."

Sitting on the Promenade Deck before the ship departed from Miami, all five New Kids – Jordan Knight, Jonathan Knight, Joey McIntyre, Danny Wood and Donnie – shared their aquatic rules with PEOPLE.

Manscaping Is a Must
There's nothing wrong with a bit of personal grooming. While four of the New Kids said they prefer to be natural, Danny Wood admits to a bit of shaving and tweezing. "Yeah, I manscape," he says. "You've got to look good in a swimsuit. I live down here and I'm always at the beach, so it's kind of a must for me."

No Speedos or Mankinis
When asked which one of them packed a speedo, the other four members shout "Danny!" But Danny says his swimsuit won't be that revealing: "John Mayer may get away with a mankini, but the rest of us can't."

"What's a mankini?" Donnie asks.

"It's like a speedo with suspenders, but all one piece," explains Joey.

Keep Your Friends Close
If the ship were sinking and there weren't enough seats in the lifeboat, who would go down with the ship? "I'd give up my seat for these guys," says Wahlberg. "I'd do it in a heartbeat."

"I don't have kids," argues Jonathan, "so you can have my seat."

"I'd like to think I'd do that," says Joey, "but I have a little baby at home. So maybe I'd be the one to step all over everyone else to get in the boat."

Have a Plan for Being Shipwrecked
If the ship sets ground on the shore of an uncharted desert isle, the New Kids would all step into various Gilligan's Island-inspired roles.

"Jon would be the professor," says Danny. "He could build the huts. And Joey would be Mr. Howell, dressed up in a dinner jacket."

The rest of the guys think they're more like the Skipper, except for Jordan who admits, "I never watched Gilligan's Island enough to know what you're talking about."

"None of us are Gilligans," says Danny. "There are a couple of Gilligans in the Backstreet Boys, though."

"The problem is that there are no Gingers or Mary Anns," says Joey. "We've definitely got to have them on the island."

The three-day cruise, which is full of 2,000 Gingers and Mary Anns, by the way, concludes Monday. After the New Kids disembark, they'll return home to prepare for the kickoff of their summer tour, beginning in Atlanta on June 4.

Donnie Thanks the Fans on Cruise

Jordan Forgets the words~Funny!

Jordan Says to Danny "I don't know the words" during Sexify my love...Its funny!

Lets Get This Foundation! ~ Joe Mac Blog

This blog is the informal yet official announcement of something very
exciting and powerful-
The Let’s Get This Foundation-
Helping the world, Step by Step.

I believe that all of us want to help out, but we don’t know how or we
just don’t think our contribution will make a difference. Thankfully,
the fact is we can make a difference.

The Let’s Get This Foundation is about people coming together to learn
how, in even the smallest ways, we can make the world a better place.

We are gonna learn as we go, but the time is now!

We want this foundation to be a hub for all kinds of charitable works.
A place where we can go to get involved in something that we are
passionate about. A place where we can find a passion we didn’t know
we had.

Charity often feels like a selfless action, but we believe that
there’s no greater feeling than helping others in need.

Like it says- helping the world, Step by Step- we will take it one
endeavor at a time.

So… “Step 1″ is a Summer Children’s Book Drive on this year’s Full
Service Tour.
There is an enormous lack of age appropriate reading material for the
I will be informing you with the staggering facts in the coming weeks.

Of course, I am aware that I am asking you to buy a new book after you
already have paid for tickets to our show, so if you can’t afford to
do it now, maybe you will be inspired to help out in another way.

But a quick note to those of you that spend money on teddy bears and
t- shirts or hats for us, maybe this summer you can spend it on a new
book for a child that really needs it :)

We fully appreciate all of the gifts you bring to the show and it is a
sign of your artistry and love, but I know me and the guys would feel
alot better knowing that your gift went to a bigger cause.

Early reading is crucial in so many ways and effects almost every part
of society. There is a huge void and I know we can fill it with new
books for these children.

I will be in touch with all kinds of info and a new web-site to link
us all up.

In the meantime, I’m working on a studio version for “5 Brothers and a
Million Sisters” and will give it away as a free download to those who
bring a NEW childrens book to a show this summer. Having the actual
books in hand is great. However, if you choose not to bring one with
you to the concert, we are hooking up with an amazing on-line
organization that will enable you to buy a new book for as low as TWO
Dollars!!! Those who want to go that route will also get the free
download- my thank you for getting involved.

I will be looking for volunteers in every city to help out at the
shows, so start working on you “why I want to be a part of the book
drive” in 100 words or less essay :) EMAIL ONLY TO:

More to come very soon!
Thank you for listening.
And I wouldn’t be asking your help if I didn’t think we will be making
a huge impact on this problem!
Now… For real….
Let’s Get This!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


This message goes out to those of you that I've had the chance to meet in this whole crazy journey...and also to those I hope to meet in the future...

I THANK YOU for being my FRIEND!!

I don't think these 5 amazing guys that brought us together again, really understand the magnitude of it all! I've met some really amazing people online, some of which I've had the opportunity to meet face to face.
Twitter, Facebook, The Community are full of people who represent the NK ARMY and are proud to be a part of it!!

Thank you to those that have listen to me rant a few times on here, and were even kind enough to leave a comment or even add me as a friend. Your words have helped me on MANY occasions and I really Truly appreciate it...and YOU! My Friends list keeps growing everyday and I LOVE IT!
I love reading all of your posts, and being able to leave a comment that will hopefully be of some help to you.

To my NK TRUCKER GIRLS...You know who you are! I would gladly sit in the cold, getting my bum dirty and sand in my eyes looking under a Truck just to get pictures of the guys and to meet Donnie....ALL OVER AGAIN WITH YOU! Totally worth it!

To those of you going on the cruise...Have a Fantastic time!....and just remember...Pictures Pictures Pictures!!! LOL

BLOCKHEADS are what we call ourselves, its not just a name.....Its a LIFESTYLE!!

If you're not already with it...GET WITH IT!!! Its Taking over!

TRUCKER GIRLS UNITE!!! June 21st is coming!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Watching the Celtics game on Saturday I was scoping out the court side to see if our Man DEW was there....He was! I knew I saw him!

Jon learning MJ Moves from Donnie

This is so cute!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Jordan dancing with Twix bars...very cute! lol

Monday, April 20, 2009


Wish I lived in Cali!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Jordan, Donnie and Joe Dance at the end

Cute video of Donnie, Jordan and Joe Dancing at the end of the Concert!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Jordan Breaks his shoe @ Moline Show

Jordan's Shoe breaks, and he puts on a bedazzled sock and starts Dancing.
Watch Joe's reaction, he can barely perform because he's laughing so much!

Jonathan on Twitter

For those who Twitter....
Jonathan is now on Twitter:


My sister and I have officially become obsessed! LOL

When we got to the arena last Sunday for the concert, we met up with a friend of mine that I met on and oddly enough she dated someone that went to the same high school as my husband! She was there with her sister-in-law and another friend. They were sitting on the ground by the fences where the buses were....looking under one of the trucks. At first we thought they were nuts...

Thank god we decided to sit and join them, because just as we did Joe's bus pulled in and not too long after he was the first one to exit off his bus! followed by Danny who gave his famous smile....then JORDAN! My Love! My heart skipped a beat when Jordan came off the bus and did his little dance for all of us! The next to step off the buses was Jon, who gave a quick wave and practically ran into the building.

Then last but certainly NOT least was THE MAN himself....MR. DONNIE WAHLBERG!! He came around to all of us at the fences and gave hugs and touched hands. I wasn't going to waste all that time sitting on the ground freezing just for a touch of his hand....I reached in for the hug....and Fully got what I wanted! Dream come true...totally made the dirty bums and frozen fingers worth it!

Concert was awesome as always, and our London road trip became one of the best moments of my life!




Friday, April 3
9:00 am:
Saratoga Springs, NY

10:00 am:
Charlotte, NC
Raleigh, NC
Scranton, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Clarkston, MI

Saturday, April 4
10:00 am:
Uncasville, CT
Cincinnati, OH
Auburn, WA
Phoenix, AZ
Englewood, CO

11:00 am:
Darien Center, NY

12:00 pm:
Pelham, AL
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Las Vegas, NV
Dallas, TX

Monday, April 6

10:00 am:
Camden, NJ

Friday, April 10
10:00 am:
Tampa, FL
West Palm Beach, FL
Virginia Beach, VA
Tinley Park, IL
Woodlands, TX

Saturday, April 11

10:00 am:
Atlanta, GA
Bristow, VA
Noblesville, IN
Maryland Heights, MO
Concord, CA

Monday, April 13
10:00 am:
Mansfield, MA
Toronto, ON

Saturday, April 18
10:00 am:
Irvine, CA

Monday, April 20
10:00 am :
Wantaugh, NY
Holmdel, NJ

Memphis, TN
Wichita, KS

Monday, March 30, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

New Kids with Lady Gaga Live

Wish I was at this show!!! That would have been awesome :-)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Back on the Block - Jordan Interview

It didn't take long for Jordan Knight, Joey McIntyre, Donnie Wahlberg, Donny Wood and Jon Knight to feel back home in front of screaming New Kids on the Block fans.

"Our first show back was money," the Jordan portion of the Knight brothers says during a recent phone interview in Greenville, S.C., where NKOTB will go onstage later that night.

That's because they took this reunion seriously from the start.

Their last CD before 2008's "Block" was the 1994 release "Face the Music." In the interim, McIntyre and Jordan Knight released solo material, and Wahlberg expanded his acting horizons.

The studio work went well, Knight says, with the five singers embracing current pop and hip-hop stars Ne-Yo, Lady Gaga, Akon, Teddy Riley and Pussycat Dolls for vocal contributions.

He says they added to the NKOTB's pop vibe without changing it.

"We would have done the same sound without the actual artists being featured on our record," Knight says. "(But) I think it does lend some credibility in young people's minds. 'They're mixing it up with the best that today has to offer.' It adds more in people's heads that we're on top of our game."

After the studio work, they began putting in time rehearsing for the live show. "A couple of months," Knight says. "We had time to come up with the show, find our rhythm, come up with who will take lead where in the songs."

He says audiences appear pleased to be reacquainted with the men and their hits, which included three that made it to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart "I'll Be Loving You Forever" and "Hanging Tough" from 1989 and "Step By Step" from 1990.

"I think our group is successful for a reason, and it's because we have a natural rhythm with each other," Knight says. "We all have different roles that weren't preconceived or made up. It's a natural flow to what our group is. We all fell back to our old roles. What made it work for us then works now, too."

Then, New Kids on the Block filled the Carrier Dome for a show in November 1990.

Knight apologetically reports that he doesn't recall that night specifically.

But he does remember that he'd rather perform in a 6,500-seat arena such as the Onondaga County War Memorial on Thursday night than in a huge stadium, sold-out or not.

"I wasn't really fond of playing huge places like that," he says. "You felt a disconnect with the crowd, and the sound was horrible, and I don't think people got what they paid for, and I don't think we were getting what we should have for putting out everything up onstage for two hours. I would rather be in an arena or theater than a stadium."

The theaters have been filled by fans who were there 20 years ago, and a new generation, Knight says.

"I am surprised that the younger generation has kind of latched on, and they think we're cool, like their mothers and aunts did," Knight says. "Then I think: 'When I was young, I loved the older groups.' It's not far-fetched, as long as a group keeps its sound fresh or young. A couple of days ago, I was playing 'Four Minutes to Save the World,' Justin (Timberlake) and Madonna and Timbaland. To me, it doesn't matter how old Madonna is."

And in the arena, they will have no shame about being five guys approaching 40 who call themselves New Kids on the Block.

"None whatsoever," Knight says. "We got asked that same question when we were all turning 20 years old. 'What are you going to call yourself now that you can buy a drink at the bar?' It's a sound. New Kids on the Block. It's who we are. The Beach Boys never changed their name."

Courtesy of THE POST-STANDARD and

Kids plan to cruise into London's JLC

MAR. 29: The cruise concept has proved so hot that the New Kids on the Block plan to dock in downtown London this spring.

The five members of the 1990s U.S. pop group have reunited to tour and will play the John Labatt Centre on March 29 at 7 p.m.

The recently announced NKOTB Cruise -- with the singers on a boat on sunny seas -- sparked fan frenzy, tour officials say.

"We're gonna perform on a ship, on a cruise. John Mayer has done these things before. Our manager tells us this is not a cheesy thing. It's not a step back," says New Kids on the Block singer Joey McIntyre of the Caribbean cruise ship gig.

There are also more dates for shows on land.

Earlier tour stops included a set list with New Kids classics such as, Hangin Tough, Step by Step and Right Stuff. There were also tunes Single and Summertime, both from The Block, a new recording.

Courtesy of The London Free Press

Monday, March 23, 2009

Jon hits Donnie with a low blow!

During the Click Click Click Pose off in Erie PA...

Jordan Teaches "Give it to you" Dance

For those of you who have upcoming concerts....maybe you could give it a try and show him! lol

Donnie Twitter Proof!

If you weren't sure its been confirmed :-)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sexy Jordan With Boston Hat!!

Found this picture of Jordan wearing a Boston Hat at one of the concerts....can someone say SEXY!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

New Kids on the Block regroups for another go-around

Make no mistake: The New Kids on the Block are still hangin' tough.

Their limbs, on the other hand, are taking things step by step.

"Oh, God, the body aches!" said New Kid Jonathan Knight, describing the main difference he's feeling on the band's current tour, versus the seminal boy band's late '80s-early '90s heyday.

The group is on a reunion tour, its first outing since 1994.

In the years since its breakup, various offers have been made to reunite Knight, his brother, Jordan, Donnie Wahlberg, Danny Wood and Joey McIntyre, multiplatinum-selling teen sensations whose likenesses graced everything from dolls to oversize buttons to pillowcases.

Opening for New Kids on the Block in Hershey is JabbaWockeeZ, a hip-hop dance troupe that's been gaining fame for its intricate, precise movements. Taking its name from the famous Lewis Carroll poem, "Jabberwocky," the group was conceived in 2003 by a group of friends in the California dance community.

Nashville Review

It’s been 15 years since New Kids On The Block split up and 17 years since they last played Nashville. But you'd never know it, judging by the massive crowd that packed Sommet Center for their concert Monday night.

The fans were mostly female and just a teeny bit older, but they acted like they were preteens again when NKOTB took the stage.

“The fans are just as wild,” says Jordan Knight. “I think we made an impression on our fans when they were really young, and when we do a show those feelings come out, even when you’re older. Its like hearing a song. We all do it. I know I do it when I hear old songs -- it brings me right back to that moment and I get the same feelings. Like I said, our show is like an escape from reality. It's an escape from the mundane, day-to-day life that we all live, so you come and you have a free pass to go wild, or dance or cry or laugh and sing. It’s a great time.”

Indeed, it was as if no time had passed at all. The guys, who are still gorgeous, performed for nearly three hours, dancing and singing the whole way through without ever seeming out of breath.

Looking across the sea of screaming fans rocking side ponytails and crimped hair and decked out in neon T-shirts emblazoned with the boy’s faces, I couldn’t help but feel like I was 12 years old again at Starwood Amphitheatre. The whole scene made me weak in the knees and I found myself squealing with glee from start to finish.

David Kells, Sommet Center marketing director, summed it up best when he said, “You know, there’s going to be a lot of moms who won’t be able to scream at their kids tomorrow.”

JET Nightclub - The Filming Spot of "SINGLE"

This is the place they filmed "Single"
This is the picture I took, when my sister and I went here when we were in Vegas.....Its SO MUCH FUN!!! FREE SHOTS!!! LOL


Joe Says....

These crowds are sick.
These shows are sick.
This tour is sick.
Viva The Block!

9 Days and Counting.....

Being in Toronto I thought I was pretty lucky, to have those five bad brothers from the beantown land kick off their tour in MY hometown!! I went to all three of the Toronto shows, it was Incredible! It was a FANTASTIC Idea to start in T.O at the time, but when they left..the jealousy in me kicked in while watching all those other cities enjoying those grown men!

Well...My wait is FINALLY OVER! In just 9 days I'll be able to see those 5 men that get me all twisted for the 4th time!! My sister and I are making the trek to London, ON by ourselves....AHHHHH. We usually get her boyfriend to drop us off at the concert, then my husband picks us up after...we don't like driving downtown LOL. This time its just us girlies driving ourselves!

Hope we don't get lost :-S


NKOTB Dance Off!

Jordan - BIBIY @ MSG
This is a great video!!!! He's so Hot!!

Cute Video of John Embarrassed :-)

Reliving my childhood

So a lot of my friends think I'm crazy for the way I feel about New Kids on the block. I've been to three concerts and I'm now going to a 4th one on the 29th of March!

I know I'm not alone, because I've met a lot of great new friends from their reunion. Why don't my friends just get it? Why do I feel like a crazy outsider when I talk about them? I'm tired of the rolling of eyes when I tell them I'm going to another concert.
My husband didn't get it at the beginning, but now he's a FULL supporter of my habit lol.

These are supposed to be my good friends, why can't they just support what I do and like?
Does anyone else feel this way when they talk to friends and family about the boys?