My sister and I have officially become obsessed! LOL
When we got to the arena last Sunday for the concert, we met up with a friend of mine that I met on nkotb.com and oddly enough she dated someone that went to the same high school as my husband! She was there with her sister-in-law and another friend. They were sitting on the ground by the fences where the buses were....looking under one of the trucks. At first we thought they were nuts...

Thank god we decided to sit and join them, because just as we did Joe's bus pulled in and not too long after he was the first one to exit off his bus! followed by Danny who gave his famous smile....then JORDAN! My Love! My heart skipped a beat when Jordan came off the bus and did his little dance for all of us! The next to step off the buses was Jon, who gave a quick wave and practically ran into the building.
Then last but certainly NOT least was THE MAN himself....MR. DONNIE WAHLBERG!! He came around to all of us at the fences and gave hugs and touched hands. I wasn't going to waste all that time sitting on the ground freezing just for a touch of his hand....I reached in for the hug....and Fully got what I wanted! Dream come true...totally made the dirty bums and frozen fingers worth it!
Concert was awesome as always, and our London road trip became one of the best moments of my life!
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